Eric Sjöström Jennerstrand

Litium E-commerce, C#, .NET MAUI, Javascript, React, Azure, Git. .NET, Node and more!
C Sharp

Getting Started with Arrays and Collections in C#

Arrays and collections are essential data structures in C#. With arrays, you can store elements of the same data type in a contiguous block of memory. Collections provide dynamic storage of elements of different data types. In this article, we'll explore the basics of using arrays and collections in C#.
C Sharp

Exploring the Basics of Arrays in C#

Introduction Arrays are fundamental data structures that allow you to store and manipulate collections of elements in a systematic way. In C#, arrays provide a powerful tool for managing groups of related data. In this blog post, we will dive into the basics of arrays in C#, covering their declaration, initialization, and common operations. Through
C Sharp

Understanding Datatypes: Int, Float, and Double in C#

Introduction Understanding Datatypes: Int, Float, and Double in C#, understanding the various datatypes available is essential for effective coding. In this blog post, we will delve into three fundamental datatypes: Int, Float, and Double. We will explore their characteristics, use cases, and provide code examples to illustrate their practical applications. The Int (or integer) datatype
C Sharp

How to use a while loop in C#

A “while loop” is a control structure in programming that allows a block of code to be executed repeatedly based on a certain condition. In C#, the syntax for a “while loop” is as follows: The code inside the curly braces will only be executed if the condition is true. After the code has been
C Sharp

How to use a do while loop in C#

A “do while loop” is a control structure in programming that allows a block of code to be executed repeatedly based on a certain condition. In C#, the syntax for a “do while loop” is as follows: The code inside the curly braces will be executed at least once, regardless of whether or not the